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Because You're About To Discover SUCCESS SECRETS That Will Turn Your Life Around and make you what you have always wanted to be!


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Then I SINCERELY believe that this letter is for serious minded people like you who truly desire success (growth) in all areas of life and detest poverty and mediocrity.

First and foremost , let me quickly give a brief explanation of what this is all about. This is a package created out of passion and strong desire by REMKOLAD Solutions  in order to equip and empower  Nigerians with adequate information, knowledge and entrepreneurial skills required for REAL SUCCESS

This will help people who are about to start or already doing business to excel and succeed in their various businesses both (online & offline). 

From time to time people have wondered why reading is so important. There seem so many other things to do with one's time. Reading is important for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is that it makes life easier for you and your business.

Reading saves you time and resources. If there is anything you need in life, it's written in a book somewhere. All you have to do is to find the right books to read.
You must start paying attention to your business and commit your time and resources to learning new ways and tactics to improve your business. Remember  
Knowledge is power!


We are now living in the most uncertain time in the history of our country. Poverty rate is increasing and most businesses are folding and closing up.

Hence acquiring and learning new ways and tactics that will enable you succeed in business is the best way to go. To be rich and successful, you have to invest in books. Any genuine successful business person is a good reader.

LESSON 1: Your life will begin to change the day you start taking full responsibility for everything in your life including your income.

You should stop blaming external factors you can't actually control for what is happening in your own life.

My transformation began when I stopped expecting the government, my parents, my friends or my church members to help me.

If my life was going to change, it was up to me.

If you are not happy with your income, don’t wait for anyone to come and help you. Start using your brain and other resources available to you.

LESSON 2: Success is goals. All else is commentary. If you don't know what you are looking for, how will you find it?

Every single millionaire I have met are goal oriented. They have specific goals on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

Because of this, they are able to work on a plan that will bring the results they want. What about you?

How much do you want to make on a monthly basis that will help you live the kind of life you want?

I started getting serious with goal setting in 2011 and it has changed my life. I don't meet all the goals I set but I also don't remain at the same level I was when I set them.

It doesn't matter where you are coming from. What matter is where you are going and if you don't know exactly where you are going, then you will be lost.

LESSON 3: “If you can think enough, what you have is enough”

This type of thinking is known as strategic thinking. God gave you your brain so you can come up with ideas, concepts and strategies to achieve your goals. Use it!

LESSON 4: All money is made by selling something:

If one of your goals is to create lifestyle income, then you need to understand this. Everyone makes money by selling something.

A lawyer makes money by selling his services, a car dealer makes money by selling cars, a musician makes money by selling his music.

 A seasoned online business person, make money by selling a lot of products & services online. 
LESSON 5: The more you can sell the more money you will make.

Out of many books I read, about 50% of them were on sales and direct marketing. Why?

I learnt that as an independent person, the ability to SELL is by far the number one skill you can have in today's world to become free from money worries.

So I focused on it and it changed my life to good.

That is why I can work with almost any business opportunity.

LESSON 6: Be an Action Taker: Nothing will change until you get up and take action.

Laziness, procrastination and fear are 3 of the top enemies of success because they block people from taking action. And if you don’t take action, you won’t move forward.

The millionaires I have been blessed to meet are immediate action takers.
For an instance, some few lines above, I told you about setting goals, will you take action on that right Now?

  LIST Of Over 160 Motivational and Business eBooks COLLECTION  

  • 1. The Richest Man in Babylon 
  • 2. The 21 irrefutable Laws of Leadership
  • 3. The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success
  • 4. Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • 5. Start With Why
  • 6. 21 Success Secrets of Self-made Millionaires.
  • 7. Think and Grow Rich
  • 8. The Law of Success
  • 9. The Millionaire FastLane
  • 10. The Power of Awareness
  • 11. Why We Want You To Be Rich (by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyasoki)
  • 12. Personal Confidence and Motivation
  • 13. Strategic Management
  • 14. Interpersonal Skills for Entrepreneurs
  • 15. Customer Relationship Management
  • 16. How to Overcome Procrastination
  • 17. Innovation and Small Business-(volume 1 & 2)
  • 18. Corporate Governance and International Business
  • 19. Technology Based Entrepreneurship
  • 20. Customer Care BluePrint
  • 21. Money Creation (Introduction & Advanced)
  • 22. The Experts Teach-(How to make money with what you know by teaching others)
  • 23. The Myths and Realities of Teamwork
  • 24. The Power of Coaching
  • 25. The ABC of Sustainable Development
  • 26. Managing your SME More Effectively
  • 27. Contract Life-cycle Management
  • 28. Tools for Enterprise Performance & Evaluation
  • 29. Essentials of Marketing
  • 30. Financial System
  • 31. How to Improve your Workplace Wellness
  • 32. Budget Planning for Success
  • 33. Women & Business-(This particular ebook is aimed at women who are into business or want to embark on the exciting journey of setting up and developing their own business).
  • 34. Project Leadership Step-by-Step
  • 35. Strategic Marketing
  • 36. How to Win Friends and influence people
  • 37. Secret Of Success by William Walker
  • 38. The Art of War


Anthony Robbins 

1. Awaken the Giant Within
2. Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement 

John Mason

1. An Enemy Called Average
2. You Can Do It--Even if Others Say You Can't

Donald Trump

1. Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men, One Message
2. Trump Strategies for Real Estate
3. How To Get Rich
4. The Art of The Deal
5. Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life
6. Think Big and Kick Ass.
7. Never Give Up

Stephen R. Covey

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
3. The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
4. First Things First: Interactive Edition
5. The 3rd Alternative. Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems
6. Prisoners of Our Thoughts

Jack Canfield

4. The Power of Focus
5. The Success Principles (How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be)

Ken Blanchard
1. One minute Manager
2. Helping People Win at Work

Jim Collins

1. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
2. How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
3. Built to last: successful habits of visionary companies. 

Business eBooks

1. Business-Planning-and-Strategies 
2. Entrepreneur mind
3. The Successful Mindset

And so many more...

These are wonderful collections of all time best motivational, inspirational & business eBooks.

No one reads theses books and remains the same

 Why you should read good books:

We are now living in the most uncertain time in the history of our country. Poverty rate is increasing and most businesses are folding and closing up.

 Hence acquiring and learning new ways and tactics that will enable you succeed in business is the best way to go. To be rich and successful, you have to invest in books. Any genuine successful business person is a good reader.

I like to give you more than 160 Life enhancing and Changing eBooks from my library. These books indeed have really changed my entire life for better. In fact some of them are not found in some book-shop both online and offline. 

Most of the Great and Successful business men and women both past and present in the world have read some of these amazing books

My entire E-Library cost me a fortune to build because i love knowledge
               Now let us talk about the price of these life transforming books capable of turning an ordinary man to somebody in life.

If i sell these books for lets say N800 each the price would be N128,000 only!

surprisingly , most of these books sell for more than N1,000
if you get these books at N100,000 only , it worth its 

           But that may be too expensive for you at this point. Our aim at REMKOLAD Solutions is to help, enhance and empower as many   people as possible to discover themselves.

We have decided to give it almost FREE at a BONANZA PRICE of

N2,500 Only!

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“Investing money is the process of committing resources in a strategic way to accomplish a specific objective.”
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PLEASE NOTE: This limited offer is only available for people who want a change of level in all facets of live.
This offer is however available for the first 60 persons to place order, and out of which 45persons have already ordered it. 
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   This offer will expire at the end of this Month

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Successful people break the rules. Grab these Best motivational e-BOOKS Now & see how it will turn your life, business, passion, hobby, career etc for good

These Books have transformed millions of lives all over the world & will forever keep transforming lives positively.


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I urge you to act on this opportunity today, right now while it is still fresh in your mind.


Note: These books can be used as gift to your loved ones, friends, staff of your company , birthday gift, Gift to your Pastors, Leaders, children etc. And these will surely bless their lives and they will thank you for it


At REMKOLAD Solutions.....We keep our words! A trial will convince you greatly 

Information is the different between success and failure, prosperity and poverty!

For More enquiries Call/SMS: 08122007282
Email: remkolad@gmail.com


visit us
  REMKOLAD Solutions 113, Jakpa Road, Effurun-Warri Delta State, Nigeria.

For other Services/Business opportunities
1.=>Do you desire to be an infopreneur?
2.=> Download over 40 Children Ebooks for empowering your child: Encouragement, Strength and Nourishment visit: http://40childrenbooks.blogspot.com.ng/



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